Thursday, September 07, 2006

France rejects "war on terror"

According to Reuters:

President Jacques Chirac says, "It is the duty of France and Europe to show that the clash of civilizations is not inevitable," he said. "No one retains this wisdom, inherited from our history, as we, French and Europeans, do."

So, this has been it all along. The Europeans feel they are superior to the rest of the world, with France taking the forefront, ahead of Germany this time. And what have they inherited from their history? A deep hatred of the USA?

Have they torn out the pages of their history where the USA delivers them not once, but twice from grip of the German empire? Where was their superior wisdom when they where conquered so easily during the 1st and 2nd world wars?

Chirac also said, "Against terrorism, what's needed is not a war. It is, as France has done for many years, a determined fight based on vigilance at all times and effective cooperation with our partners."

In other words, collaboration with the enemy and hoping that someone else will fight and die for them.

Read the original article here:

France rejects "war on terror": "PARIS - France issued an implicit criticism of U.S. foreign policy on Thursday, rejecting talk of a 'war on terror'.Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, speaking in parliament, expressed these views on global ... "

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